Our unique published works are listed alphabetically and include a hard copy shipped to customers and a downloadable pdf of the score. Audio recordings are featured below each publication. Audio recordings may also be sent directly to you. For a downloadable pdf of the score, send a request to [email protected]. We only charge customers the USPS Media Mail rate for one pound and under. We do not charge more if the order is over one pound and do not charge for handling or the cost of shipping materials.

Angels, Bells & Petals cover
$3.99 Angels, Bells & Petals
(piano solo)
Phillip Keveren

It has been a pleasure being a part of this project and creating a piece of music that reflects the gentle nature of “Zuzu.” I wanted to capture the delicate essence of “Zuzu’s petals,” and if you listen carefully, you can imagine the bells ringing gently throughout.
- Phillip

Attack of The Left Hand Zombie cover
$4.99 Attack of The Left Hand Zombie
(piano solo)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

Being a composer is fun. You can create these wild stories in your head, and find ways to express them to others through music. To get a sense of my crazy imagination, I dreamed up a story in which the left side of a pianist’s body is taken over by a zombie. So, while the right hand tries to play normally, the left hand is in its own world, playing eerie, violent, dissonant notes. The result is an unsettling combination of dread and malice, and a terrifying addition to your next Halloween concert. I hope you enjoy sharing this spooky scene with your own possessed zombie performance!
- Kevin

A Fun Day! cover
$6.50 A Fun Day!
Rebecca Oswald
Early Intermediate - Intermediate

A Fun Day! is a collection of six charming, humorous songs, each one chronicling a simple childhood activity from start to finish. These imaginative, playful, intermediate-level pieces also hold lesson gems for teachers and students to discover and discuss: musical elements such as counterpoint, homophony, scales and arpeggios, rolled chords, cluster chords, chromaticism, left hand melody, hand independence, motivic development, and more. I hope you have as much fun learning and playing these pieces as I enjoyed writing them!

- Rebecca


  • Climbing a Tree!
  • Learning to Ski!
  • Swimming Like a Fish!
  • Riding My Bicycle!
  • Flying a Kite!
  • Dancing Like a Butterfly!

A Wayward Leaf cover
$4.99 A Wayward Leaf
(piano solo)
Grace Hale

When I began composing A Wayward Leaf, it wasn’t about a leaf at all but rather a goldfinch. On a sunny day in June, I was walking through a forest preserve when I spotted a sprite, flittering, silly little goldfinch crossing my path in front of me. He bounced and undulated through the air with flamboyant bravado, and his golden feathers offered an entertaining counterpoint to the brilliant blue sky behind him. I was mesmerized and thought, most assuredly, I would write a piece inspired by him.

A year later, I composed a melody that skipped and bobbled just like that little goldfinch. However, as my writing progressed, the character of the piece slowly changed. Is this really about a goldfinch or is it about something else entirely? I sent the piece to Phil Erklen who showed it to a music student. She offered a title for the piece: A Wayward Leaf. How strange is it that a title so unrelated to the initial inspiration would fit so well? Perhaps a leaf, with its own windswept flight pattern, embodies the memory of the goldfinch perfectly. So, the name stuck.

Thanks to Ed Penner for painting the incredible artwork to go along with it. This piece would be incomplete without your contribution.

I dedicate this piece to my dear friend Herman White for his unconditional love of music and his endless support of its creation. Thank you, Herman, for always being there in the audience, smiling away. This one’s for you.

- Grace

Be Thou My Vision cover
$3.99 Be Thou My Vision
(piano solo)
Emilee Hartley
Late Intermediate

The old hymn Be Thou My Vision has always been a favorite of mine, and I wanted to create an arrangement that was simple yet powerful. The music has hints of a Celtic flavor to it, inspired by the Irish origin of Slane, the original melody used in the modern hymn. Overall, the piece goes through melodic and rhythmic twists and turns, and finishes with a strong, anthem-like chorus, representing the final words of the hymn: "...still be my vision, O Ruler of all."
- Emilee

Bliss cover
$3.99 Bliss
(piano solo)
Sophia Blayney
Late Intermediate

Bliss came about as a happy accident. While improvising on the piano, a simple melody was created reminding me of a daydream. As the melody evolved, I realized that it was bringing up feelings of peace and nostalgia. For me, Bliss is memories of simplicity and serenity; summer childhood days, climbing the giant maple tree in my backyard, the smell of a freshly mowed lawn lingering in the air. For someone else, this will evoke entirely different emotions. The beauty of music is that it is unique to each individual’s listening experience. Whatever the memory, I hope it is a blissful one.
- Sophia

Butterfly Dance cover
$3.99 Butterfly Dance
(piano solo)
David Nevue
Late Intermediate

While visiting Yellowstone, I watched a butterfly dance its way around a dozen boiling, steaming mud pits, just flitting around like there was no danger nearby at all. It seemed so happy and carefree. I kept thinking... "Hey little butterfly, watch out... watch out... watch out!" But of course, the little butterfly danced flawlessly as if to say, "Danger? What danger? This is fun!" That picturesque moment stayed with me.
- David

Calming the Tempest cover
$4.50 Calming the Tempest
(piano duet)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

Calming the Tempest is based on one of my favorite hymn tunes, Master, the Tempest is Raging. It tells the story of Jesus and his disciples on the stormy Sea of Galilee, when Jesus “rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39). The background of the hymn is a testament to the peace that Jesus promises will come to those who believe on his words. Mary Ann Baker wrote the words to this text after losing her only brother, and best friend, to tuberculosis. Her parents had died of the same disease earlier. After his death, Mary Ann wrote about a period of rebelliousness: “I said in my heart that God did not care for me or mine. But the Master’s own voice stilled the tempest in my unsanctified heart, and brought it to the calm of a deeper faith and a more perfect trust.” As we navigate the often stormy waters of our own life experiences, sometimes to the point that we think we’ll drown in sorrow and despair, I hope we can remember the promise and counsel that come from the Savior’s words: “Peace, be still.”
- Kevin

Classics Made New cover
$9.99 Classics Made New
(piano solo suite)
Wynn-Anne Rossi
Intermediate-Late Intermediate

This unique collection of intermediate-late intermediate piano solos is inspired by my favorite classical pieces as a young student. These classics written by treasured composers, spark happy memories for me! They are also popular choices for my students. And now, these new renditions offer jazzy updates to their traditional counterparts. Consider using both versions in recitals and community performances. Mix the nostalgia of the past with refreshing new sounds for the 21st century. Classics Made New!
- Wynn-Anne
Distributed for Red Leaf Pianoworks by CCC Music Company

Come, Come, Ye Saints cover
$4.25 Come, Come, Ye Saints
(piano solo)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

My great-great-great grandfather, Charles Shumway, crossed the icy Mississippi River with his young family in early February 1846 and joined thousands of Mormon pioneers on a 1300-mile trek to their new home in the Salt Lake Valley. His wife, Julia Ann, and a daughter, Harriet would die along the way. One of Charles’ fellow travelers, William Clayton, wrote the lyrics of Come, Come, Ye Saints that year, and it quickly became a motivational anthem to the thousands of pioneers who crossed the plains, and millions since who see the words and music as a source of optimism and faith on the sometimes-arduous journey of life. I hope you connect with the message of the music, and to always remember, despite the adversity we each face, that through our faith in God, “all is well.”
- Kevin

Daily Comforts - Book 1 cover
$9.99 Daily Comforts - Book 1
(piano solo suite)
Wynn-Anne Rossi
Late Elementary

This collection of late elementary piano solos celebrates the everyday comforts in our busy lives. With the inspiration of Haiku poetry, each piece creates an atmosphere to soothe the spirit and refresh the mind. Rhythms in the music reflect rhythms in the poems. Imagination is key to bringing this music to life! Absorb the title. Awaken the senses with poetry. Allow the imagery to guide your musical interpretation.
- Wynn-Anne

Distributed for Red Leaf Pianoworks by CCC Music Company

Daily Comforts - Book 2 cover
$9.99 Daily Comforts - Book 2
(piano solo suite)
Wynn-Anne Rossi
Early Intermediate

This collection of early intermediate piano solos celebrates the everyday comforts in our busy lives. With the inspiration of Haiku poetry, each piece creates an atmosphere to soothe the spirit and refresh the mind. Rhythms in the music reflect rhythms in the poems. Imagination is key to bringing this music to life! Absorb the title. Awaken the senses with poetry. Allow the imagery to guide your musical interpretation. Start each morning or finish each evening with sweet reminders of our Daily Comforts!
- Wynn-Anne

Distributed for Red Leaf Pianoworks by CCC Music Company

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Dances of the Seasons cover
$6.99 Dances of the Seasons
(piano solo suite)
Emilee Hartley
Late Intermediate - Early Advanced

I wrote Dances of the Seasons as a collection of four works, one for each season. Each piece reflects the signs and feelings of the corresponding season, from the lighthearted "Allemande of Spring," to the dark and mysterious "Winter Ice Tango." I was inspired by the different colors that each part of the year brings, and incorporated these colors into these expressive dances.
- Emilee

Eerie Escapades cover
$7.99 Eerie Escapades
(Piano Solo)
Tiffany Jolicoeur
Late Elementary - Early Intermediate

Fall is my favorite time of year. I take pleasure in the ever-changing colors and the cool, crisp air. Most of all, I like Halloween. I just love the decorations, the costumes, the parties, and the spooky movies. In fact, I love it so much that I named my black cat Halloween. Each piece in this collection portrays a certain character or feeling that reminds me of Halloween. From the naughty witches on broomsticks to the haunted house on the hill, these pieces are sure to send a tingle up your spine. This book was written for those of you, who like me, wish to celebrate that bone-chilling, hair-raising holiday all year round.
- Tiffany

Piano solos included in this collection:

  • Full Moon Rising
  • Jack-O-Lantern Waltz
  • Witches on Brooms
  • Bats in the Belfry
  • Skulls and Bones
  • Black Cat Scamper
  • Whispering Ghosts
  • Haunted House

Effacè cover
$4.99 Effacè
(Piano Solo)
Kristen Personius
Late Intermediate

I was involved in ballet for many years during the same time I composed this piece. The pose effacè is a pose in ballet I used many times. The origin of the word is French, like most ballet vocabulary.
- Kristen

Enchanted Forest cover
$9.99 Enchanted Forest
(piano solos collection)
Phillip Erklen & Emilee Hartley
Intermediate - Early Advanced

Though I met Phil at a very young age, it was not until 2016 that I had the opportunity to work closely with him and get to know him well. During this time, he shared the beginning stages of this project, and showed me his vision for the finished product. I was so inspired by his idea, and we decided to collaborate on the remaining pieces to the puzzle. Over the next few months, I wrote five of the works included here.

The final piece I wrote, titled “Path of the Wisps” or "Path of Shining Lights" is a tribute to Phil, and to the way he has guided so many young people in their pursuit of musical dreams. Not only has he nurtured some incredible talent, but he has always met his students with a smiling face and brought so much joy into their lives. This song is specially dedicated to Phil to symbolize the unique impact he has had on so many.

- Emilee

Piano solos included in this collection:

  • The Faerie
  • Path of the Wisps
  • The Troll Under the Bridge
  • The Gnomes' Inn
  • Wizards
  • Pixies
  • The Ogre
  • The Unicorn
  • Den of the Dragon

Fiddler Crabs cover
$4.25 Fiddler Crabs
(piano duet)
Rachel and Daniel Lamb
Late Intermediate

We were 10 years old when our family decided to move onto a sailboat and explore the seven seas. We packed our belongings, sold our house, and set off into the unknown. During our year long adventure, we saw many fascinating sea creatures and wildlife, including the peculiar and elusive fiddler crab. These mischievous crustaceans scurry quickly along the beach scavenging for algae, darting back and forth as the waves rhythmically ebb and flow. The males have notably asymmetrical claws, one being nearly ten times larger than the other, and are often seen "dancing," presenting what is best described as a comical impression of a gleeful fiddler. This piece reminded us of our experiences meeting these little animals, laughing at their antics, and getting pinched a few times!
- Rachel and Daniel

First Bouquet cover
$3.99 First Bouquet
(piano solo)
Emilee Hartley

I wrote First Bouquet specifically to coordinate with this soulful painting by Ariana Richards. The music, with its simple and fresh melodies, depicts the young innocence of a child, going cheerily through a field of joyful flowers. The moving chord progressions and recap at the end show that while life is ever-changing, it's small moments like these that are worth capturing and remembering.
- Emilee

Forgotten cover
$3.99 Forgotten
(piano solo)
Ryan Marvel

"Forgotten" was written for my daughter Elena, watching her journey between young girl and teenager. The music is meant to be a bit nostalgic, and represents the navigation of her letting go of childhood. What may have held her attention before, such as a doll or her favorite music box, now might be something more adult, more current. I tried to use larger, sometimes more dissonant intervals in the very simple melody to represent two paths... perhaps one which we all want to hold on to, and one we perhaps want to embrace going forward.
- Ryan

Inner Sanctum cover
$4.99 Inner Sanctum
(Piano solo)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

Music allows us to explore places in ourselves that can’t be reached through words alone. I was drawn to the idea of an “inner sanctum;” a place within each of us that is private and peaceful. The word “sanctum” comes from the Latin “sanctus,” or holy, and this sacred space should be a goal for each of us to regularly visit to maintain our mental health and spiritual balance. Escaping the noise of life is a constant challenge, and requires effort and mindfulness that can only be achieved through regular practice. I hope that this music might be a path to help along that journey. Listening to the gentle rhythms and harmonies might start you on the path to reaching the quietest, innermost parts of who you are. In a time of constant worry and stress, my hope is that everyone can regularly find the piece and sacred spaces they seek.
- Kevin

Insecta cover
$9.99 Insecta
(piano solo suite)
Emma Cardon
Late Intermediate - Advanced

I have always been fascinated by the world that exists right beneath our feet. With Insecta, I have attempted to write a set of pieces showing this world as it really is – not as a disturbing menagerie of creepy-crawlies, but as an interesting and beautiful collection of diverse creatures that add color to our daily lives. Each of the six movements depicts a different insect I have found in my backyard: a recklessly independent dragonfly weaving between river reeds; an earthworm, isolated in the dark, silent earth; a nimble pond skater dancing a ballet on the water’s surface; a good-natured ground beetle ambling aimlessly; a sonorous cricket whose song is interrupted by constant panic at every outside sound or movement; a belligerent yellow jacket buzzing angrily. I hope you enjoy playing these pieces, and that they make you think about the tiny, fascinating lives that are so often overlooked. To find magic, we need not look further than our own backyards.
- Emma

Joie de Vivre cover
$4.99 Joie de Vivre
(Piano duet)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

“Joie de vivre” is a French expression that means an enjoyment or love of life. I have always loved the way this phrase captures more than just being happy, but living in a way that we notice the best in the world and share that joy with others. This piece was dedicated to an Indiana teacher, celebrating 30 years as a piano teacher who exhibits that zest for life in everything she does and with those with whom she connects. I tried to capture her radiant spirit through energetic rhythms, major key harmonies, and a rise to a triumphant climax. I hope this piece brings out your inner “joie de vivre”, as well. Have fun!
- Kevin

King Arthur cover
$7.99 King Arthur
(piano solos collection)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

“Why can’t you harness Might so that it works for Right? … The Might is there, in the bad half of people, and can’t neglect it.”

In these words of T.H. White in The Once and Future King, we glimpse of the powerful, yet noble, King Arthur. Legends about this medieval British ruler began to spring up throughout the Middle Ages, with stories of daring adventures involving giants, witches, and monsters, epic battles, and chivalric love. Arthur, and his Knights of the Round Table, unite the people of his land through courage and kindness, and valuing the opinions of man as is signified by the round table, with no one sitting at the head. He is raised by the mystical wizard Merlin, who tells him about a sword that will choose the next king based on who can extract it from a stone. Many try and fail, but Arthur draws it out and is proclaimed the king. According to some legends, this is not Excalibur but a different sword. Another legend is that Arthur is granted access to Excalibur by the mysterious, but pragmatic and compassionate enchantress known as the Lady of the Lake, who recognizes Arthur as the rightful king. Arthur’s castle (Camelot) is the beautiful symbol of this golden age of chivalry, heroism, and unity. I hope you enjoy imagining this epic story through the various movements of this suite!
- Kevin

Piano solos included in this collection:

  • King Arthur
  • Merlin
  • Excalibur
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Camelot

Kitty Cat Etudes cover
$5.99 Kitty Cat Etudes
(piano solo)
Wynn-Anne Rossi
Late Elementary - Early Intermediate

Cats have been our valued companions for over ten thousand years. They domesticated themselves by going after mice in ancient grains, creating a mutually beneficial partnership for both cats and humans. In this modern age, they are a source of endless joy in our living rooms, bringing a taste of the WILD into our homes. Cats also teach practical lessons in our piano studios! Playful pounces exhibit crisp staccato while long, graceful tails create legato phrasing. Powerful hunting instincts capture the drama and mystery of changing dynamics. A rumbling purr emanates rhythmic calm, while dissonant meows give voice to the feline, majestic standing. These etudes aim to bring this kitty cat wisdom to the piano student, combining practicality and natural musicality. Enjoy these surprising gifts from our ancient, curious companions! A special thank you to Piccolo Grande, the musical cat mascot for Crawford International La Lucia of South Africa. And a happy nod to my own kitty, Mario!
- Wynn-Anne

The Little Prince cover
$4.25 The Little Prince
(piano solo)
Mary Leaf
Late Intermediate

One of the popular Arthurian Legends states that Merlin the magician took Arthur Pendragon at birth to save his life – not just from his own father, Uther, but also from enemies who would not want him to be king. His name changed to Emrys, Arthur was raised in secrecy. It was not until he was in his early teens that Uther – who had no other sons – sent for the young Arthur, so that he could be declared Uther’s legitimate heir to the throne. As we know from history, life does not always turn out the way we imagine it would for a person of royal birth, but at this point in his life, nothing could dampen the excitement that young Emrys experienced when he first learned that he was a prince! That is the spirit of this piece - from the innocence of one small child raised in obscurity, to the wisdom of one of the greatest kings that history has ever revealed.

As for our grandson, Paxton, he is not of royal birth. But if he were – would he be raised differently from a “normal” child?  An intriguing question!
- Mary

Lost City of Atlantis cover
$7.99 Lost City of Atlantis
(piano solos collection)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

The legend of the lost city of Atlantis has captured the imaginations of historians, explorers, and curiosity-seekers for generations. As the Greek philosopher Plato described it, an ancient city, blessed with wealth and technological advancements, is swept away mysteriously in one day, and still lies hidden somewhere at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. In this suite, I begin with a movement called “Poseidon’s Kingdom.” Legend says that Atlantis was built on the top of a great island by Poseidon, the god of the sea. I tried to capture the mystery of this ancient city and its connection to the gods in the opening movement. Atlantis was surrounded by rings of water and land, connected by five tunnels. In “Water Play,” I imagine the sounds of the ocean against the shores of the great city. As Atlantis grew and prospered, its wealth began to corrupt the civilization. They became greedy and immoral, and in one horrible night, the gods decided to punish the city with earthquakes and fire, sinking it to the bottom of the ocean. Movement 3: “Night of Earthquake and Fire” describes the disaster, and Movement 4: “Silent Waves” portrays the eerie quiet of a calm sea the resulting morning. I decided to add my own ending to the legend in Movement 5: “Atlantis Rising,” where the city rises triumphantly from the ocean. I’ve always been fascinated by the story told in Debussy’s The Sunken Cathedral, where a cathedral rises up from the sea on clear mornings when the ocean is still, and I wondered if the same thing could happen for an entire lost kingdom. I hope you enjoy going on this musical adventure with me, and it can inspire you to create your own musical explorations of timeless legends and stories.
- Kevin

Piano solos included in this collection:

  • Poseidon's Kingdom
  • Water Play
  • Night of Earthquake and Fire
  • Silent Waves
  • Atlantis Rising

Melodious Travels cover
$7.99 Melodious Travels
(piano solos collection)
Tiffany Jolicoeur
Late Elementary – Early Intermediate

As a child growing up in a rural farming community, I often wondered what life was like in far off parts of the world. In my teenage years, I had the unique experience of traveling to France and instantly fell in love. I realized that although we speak different languages and have different customs, we are all very much alike. Each song written in Melodious Travels has a distinct characteristic. One song might depict a certain instrument while another song might use rhythms to portray a certain region of the world. I hope as you play through each piece, you let your mind go to that special place, and envision yourself on your own personal musical journey around the world.
- Tiffany

Piano solos included in this collection:

  • Accordion in Paris
  • The Highlands
  • Sacred Lotus
  • English Manor
  • Balalaika
  • Alpine Yodeler
  • Bayou Blues
  • Island Marimba
  • Venetian Gondola Song
  • Turkish Belly Dancer
  • Spanish Castanets
  • Machu Picchu

Midnight Masquerade cover
$3.99 Midnight Masquerade
(piano solo)
Corrisë Hobbs

What would a masquerade at midnight be like? Use your imagination. You might see soft glowing lights in a garden with people in costumes very decorative and ornate. Or, they might be in a castle ballroom with a fireplace, candles, and elegant decorations. A couple stand out in the middle of the ballroom and are oblivious to the other guests who are watching them from afar.

- Corrisë

Mountain Path cover
$3.99 Mountain Path
(piano solo)
Maya Kohlhepp

When I hike in Colorado, I start early in the morning when the skies are blue and there is no wind. The birds are in full harmony with their songs, and a lot of wildlife is evident. As early afternoon approaches, clouds begin to form over the mountains sometimes bringing rain. This change in the weather can be heard in the music when it switches to a minor melody. However, the inclement weather rapidly changes back to what it was in the morning, leaving the air freshened and the smell of rain in the forest.
- Maya

One of a Kind cover
$5.25 One of a Kind
(piano solo)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

I often think about the moral of Aesop’s fable about The Lion and the Mouse: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” We can all think of people in our lives who share acts of kindness, and while some of these gestures may go unnoticed at the time, each one performs the task of adding beauty and love to the world. When Phil Erklen approached me about writing a piece dedicated to one such person, Rebecca Noelani, I knew exactly the kind of person she is because I’ve been fortunate to be on the receiving end of similarly kind thoughts and acts. I hope that, as you learn and play this composition, you think of the people who have made a meaningful difference to you, and know that you are probably having a similar impact for good, even if you might be unaware of it. Like the tiny mouse giving service to the great lion, it all matters.
- Kevin

Pisces cover
$3.99 Pisces
(piano solo)
Ioana Ilie

I have always been fascinated by the constellations: not in terms of astronomy, but in terms of the psychology and variety of the characters. This piece should illustrate dualism and fluidity, which is achieved by both hands alternating in the melody during the whole piece. The constantly flowing waves that is found in the repeated pattern of the accompaniment indicates the fish arising from and falling back into the water. Pisces are supposed to be warm and generous people. I hope my composition brings forth this feeling!
- Ioana

Pocket Pieces cover
$6.99 Pocket Pieces
(piano solos collection)
Pam Asberry

A “pocket piece” is a token carried in the pocket as a good luck charm. This is a collection of musical pocket pieces that you can learn quickly, then pull out of your pocket, so to speak, and play for others at a moment’s notice! You will find the description of each piece in the back of this publication.
- Pam
Prairie Fantasy cover
$4.25 Prairie Fantasy
(piano solo)
Mary Leaf
Late Intermediate

Nature never fails to inspire me! When I first moved to North Dakota from Washington State, I missed the trees, the mountains, and the winding roads. On a visit to Washington years later, I began to realize just how much the prairie, with its rolling hills, wide-open vistas, and curious buttes, had changed me. The undisturbed landscape creates an island of calmness and tranquility. Breathing the clean air, listening to the meadowlark, and experiencing the serenity this creates, gives rise to reflections of those who walked here before us. Their essence remains, and calls us to enjoy and appreciate this land that they loved. This piece was written especially for our little grandson, Brendan, who will be raised to love and appreciate, and to walk here after us.
- Mary

Prelude to the Moon cover
$3.99 Prelude to the Moon
(piano solo)
Maya Kohlhepp

I have witnessed the beauty of the moon in the darkest of nights. Although at times it appears gloomy and lonely, and is used to create fear in movies, I like to think of it as the sun of the night. It helps me remember there is always light in darkness. No matter how cold and dark night can be, the moon rarely fails to illuminate it, making the night not as daunting as it seems.
- Maya

Puppy Dog Etudes cover
$5.99 Puppy Dog Etudes
(piano solos)
Wynn-Anne Rossi
Early Intermediate

Puppies are masters at bringing joy, humor and love into our lives. With over 30,000 years of human history, dogs have established a powerful place in our hearts. Etudes also have their own rich history. The purpose of an etude is to strengthen technical skills and challenge musical abilities. In this collection, puppies inspire five unique etudes which bring a happy balance to the learning process! While wagging their tails, fetching frisbees, chasing squirrels and craving attention, these puppy-inspired “miniatures” focus on a wide range of musical skills. Awaken your fur-friendly imagination while mastering chromatic movement, changing meters, challenging rhythms and much more. Celebrate the play of piano practice! A special thank you to Luigi who is pictured on the cover. This wildly energetic puppy continues to be a perfect inspiration to the Rossi family! Be sure to check out the Kitty Cat Etudes!
- Wynn-Anne

Pura Vida cover
$7.99 Pura Vida
(piano solo)
Wynn-Anne Rossi
Late Intermediate

There are times when an adventure changes your life. It might be the bond of a new friendship or a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience. Perhaps it is the awakening of your senses or an unexpected encounter with a curious creature. There may even be an element of sacred or spiritual realization. My journey to Costa Rica was all of these things and more. Costa Rica, the land of Pura Vida (pure life), offers the gifts of deep ocean, mysterious jungles and starlit skies. I am deeply grateful to share this journey with you through the power of musical imagination!
- Wynn-Anne

Piano solos included in this collection:

  • Starlight Stories
  • Rhythms of the Jungle
  • Zipline!
  • Pink Island
  • Howlers in the Wind

Rattlesnake Rag cover
$4.99 Rattlesnake Rag
(piano duet)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

When the Nevada Music Teachers Association (NMTA) requested a commissioned duet for their students to perform at the 2021 NMTA State Conference, I immediately started brainstorming about the unique features of the desert Southwest and the energy of the Wild West that was present during the Great Gold and Silver rushes in the 19th century. I decided to combine both elements in a lively ragtime piece that would capture the dangerous “rattle” of the snakes that line the dusty trails through the Nevada sagebrush. Listen for the rattling trills in each part, and the way the two pianists slither to a new position on the piano halfway through the piece. I hope you enjoy this tribute to the music that lives on today in the Nevada desert!
- Kevin

Rondò Fantastico cover
$4.50 Rondò Fantastico
(piano solo)
Daniel Espen

Naturally in “rondo form,” this composition starts with a “cantabile” character which creates a magical and fairytale-like atmosphere. The different fragments extracted from the main subject construct the various episodes in succession. Thus, after the initial part of the composition, there is a progression which drives it in an enthusiastic and joyous melodic declamation which anticipates the return of the main subject replayed in a major mode. This metamorphosis colors with a warm and fragrant feeling the germinal idea of the piece. A crystalline episode refreshes the atmosphere and afterwards the music flows into the recapitulation of the major subject that is, at this time, layered in a sound mass which explodes into a crisp musical episode which can almost be defined as rhapsodic. The piece returns to the main subject made more mysterious and “propulsive” by a deep and prophetic dominant pedal which conducts the piece to a penultimate scene constantly agitated by abrasive and dramatic syncopations. The music smoothes out in order to present a final exposition of the main subject leading to a mysterious “coda” in suspense, almost as a toll of far bells which close, with a touch of drama and inevitability, the composition.
- Daniel

Red Rocks Rhapsody cover
$4.25 Red Rocks Rhapsody
(piano solo)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

One of the best parts about writing music is that it lets me travel throughout the country and the world, meeting great people and seeing many beautiful places. I can’t think of many spots with the striking variety and color of Central Colorado, with its massive purple mountain ranges, green rolling hills, clear blue lakes and rivers, and red rock formations. I wrote Red Rocks Rhapsody with this vista in mind, trying to capture the energy of the scenery and the inspiring people I’ve met there. I hope you enjoy it!
- Kevin

Sonatina Brillante cover
$6.99 Sonatina Brillante
Ofer Ben-Amots
Late intermediate - Early advanced

Sonatina Brillante has four movements, which either tell a story or present a distinct musical idea. The first movement titled, “Praeludium,” hints at music of the Baroque Era (e.g. J. S. Bach’s Preludes and Fugues.) Indeed, this section includes some 18th century textures and playing techniques. The harmonic language, however, presents contemporary style dissonances and free counterpoint. When playing this section, try to imagine a musical encounter between the new and the old, as for example, Shostakovich meets Bach.

The second movement, “Midnight Dance,” is full of secrets and mysteries of a dark night. The slow movement opens with an awkward Waltz, moving in 7/8 meter instead of the regular 6/8. A tall grandfather clock is ticking and the delicate sound of a music box appears as if in a dream. When playing, try to catch the enigmatic ambience and dramatic feel of darkness.

The third movement, “Mosquito,” depicts a combat between a pianist and a buzzing mosquito. The pianist tries to hit the mosquito again and again. Finally… What do you think? Did the tiny creature survive?

The fourth movement, “Tambourine,” returns to a quasi-baroque style. I have always admired Jean-Philippe Rameaus Tambourin. While Rameau (1683-1764) wrote his short and ornate composition for the harpsichord, I tried to emulate a similar character with this short piano movement, especially through the old-style ornamentations.

Sonatina Brillante is the fifth piano composition of mine published by the CCC Music Company. My gratitude goes to music publisher and founder of the company, Phillip Erklen, who accepted my works and included them in his company’s catalog. I dedicate Sonatina Brillante to a very special team, Dinara Klinton and her student Helena Glover, in honor of their great musical gift and their unique teacher-student bond. It was Phil who introduced me to these two extraordinary pianists. Dinaras online recitals during the pandemic lockdown of 2020-21 were a source of solace and great beauty to me. I later realized that Dinara and I have many pianist friends in common. The “discovery” of Helena Glover was another highlight this year: I immediately realized that I must not be misled by her young age! In fact, her video recordings and various interpretations of Bach, Chopin, Rachmaninov, and Debussy, reveal a mature artist who possesses a solid virtuosity and great mastery of the piano repertoire. Helena is full of promise and I, among many others, will be following her artistic progress with great excitement.

- Ofer

Order of pieces:

  • Praeludium
  • Midnight Dance
  • Mosquito
  • Le Tambourin

Songbird Serenade cover
$4.50 Songbird Serenade
(piano solo)
Wynn-Anne Rossi
Late Intermediate

The voice of music surrounds us in our daily lives. Music sings through waves on the water and breezes in the trees. Perhaps most noticeable are the ever-present vocalizations of the beautiful songbirds. I am an avid lover of birdwatching! The view from my piano looks over a backyard, full of active bird feeders. I love listening to their wild, always surprising calls. And I’ve noticed these little birds like the sound of my piano! Songbird Serenade captures some of my favorite bird calls, beginning with the black-capped chickadee. As you practice the piece, you can take delight in the musical challenge of identifying these independent voices. More importantly, the music reflects the gift of peace and vibrant energy these tiny creatures express each morning and throughout the day. Enjoy!
- Wynn-Anne

Sunday Morning Fire - Late Night Embers cover
$3.99 Sunday Morning Fire - Late Night Embers
(piano solos)
Jackson Berkey

During my first hibernation at Columns By The Sea, Cape May, New Jersey, I discovered a few interesting facets: The city of Cape May is almost deserted during January when I composed the Cape May Preludes. Her residents were more than ready for some quiet time following the Christmas and New Year's busy influx of visitors. Few eating establishments remained open; some offer service only on weekends. Only occasionally does one see other people. For me it was a state of supreme quiet, accompanied by the sound of the sea and interrupted only by thought; this quiet isolation brought forth my Cape May Preludes. The Preludes were written in response to many of the feelings I experienced. They are about the weather, the people and animals encountered during this, my first writing "sabbatical" on the Atlantic Coast.

The main Victorian living room at Columns By The Sea houses a large gas fireplace, ready and willing for guests to enjoy. I was inspired many times, due to the combination of winter weather and fire, to go to the small grand piano nearby and compose. Such was the case with Sunday Morning Fire. The opening prelude was written while waiting for one of Bernadette's (the innkeeper) weekend gourmet breakfasts.

This is another fire, another time, with a very small glass of sherry or port. It is another evening after writing all day and basking in the quietness of the sea and the inn.
- Jackson

Sunrise cover
$3.99 Sunrise
(piano solo)
Kristen Personius

Sunrise is dedicated to our dear friend Debbie Turner who continues to bring light and radiance into people’s lives.

Sunrise is a piece composed after being inspired by the radiant sunrises in Colorado. I remember sitting at my piano watching the golden sunrise illuminate the sky. I wanted to capture this picturesque scene in a composition and as a result, Sunrise was composed. The first section of the piece reflects the soft light that appears before the sun fully rises. As the song progresses the light becomes brighter and this is reflected in the energy and dynamics of Sunrise. In the middle section of the piece the dynamics become softer to symbolize the different colors shifting and changing in the morning sky. The last section of Sunrise carries a high energy and boldness to reflect the sun fully emerging into the sky.
- Kristen

Sweet Lullabies cover
$6.50 Sweet Lullabies
Rebecca Oswald
Early Intermediate - Intermediate

Sweet Lullabies is a collection of six charming, beautiful songs whose soothing melodies might help bring any day to a calming close. Intriguing yet accessible, each lullaby expresses its own unique character. These tender, dreamy, intermediate-level pieces also hold lesson gems for teachers and students to discover and discuss: musical elements such as tonal and modal harmony, motivic development, accompaniment figuration, imitation, left hand melody, rolled chords, tonicization, modulation, and more. May learning and playing these sweet lullabies bring joy and peace to you and yours!

- Rebecca


  • River Dreaming
  • Codail Go Sámh Daniel
  • Honey Bee Hushaby
  • Bridget's Dreamland
  • Lullaby For Kathleen
  • Queen Bee's Sleepytime

The Shadow cover
$3.99 The Shadow
(piano solo)
Grisha Krivchenia
Early Advanced

Certain aspects of life remain mysterious and unexplored. What would it be like to bring these parts of our experience into clearer view? Perhaps what the darkness hides is no cause for alarm! Explore The Shadow by diving into moody chord changes, slowly unfolding melodies, and thunderous outbursts of emotional energy. Walk through the night in fascination, instead of fear.
- Grisha

Thorne Miniatures cover
$4.50 Thorne Miniatures
(piano solo suite)
Grace Hale
Late Intermediate - Advanced

Thorne Miniatures is a collection of six piano miniatures each inspired by one of Narcissa Thorne’s miniature rooms found in the basement of the Art Institute of Chicago. Thorne’s miniature rooms are best described as model rooms of mostly European and American interiors built during the 1930s and 1940s. One of the most peculiar characteristics of Thorne’s miniature rooms is the absence of any human figures. Instead, she hints at human existence with small inanimate objects like a soccer ball or books. As viewers, we cannot help but envision scenes of running children, cocktail parties, or a single bookworm enjoying an early sunrise in these empty rooms. This is the role of the Thorne Miniatures—to supply the musical scenes in such a way that fills this lifeless void. The Thorne Miniatures is an ode to childhood and imagination as explored in the museum collection.
- Grace

To The Mountain Top cover
$5.00 To The Mountain Top
(piano solo)
Ofer Ben-Amots

Originally this composition was intended as a short children’s piece inspired by the idea of hiking up a mountain; Which mountain? This really doesn’t really matter. It could be Pikes Peak, the magnificently reaching up to the sky summit, located in front of our house, or one of the humbler Carmel mountaintops on which I used to hike, climb, and run throughout my childhood. However, as I progressed with the composition, the climbing became more challenging and more adventurous. These challenges are reflected in the piece as it becomes increasingly more demanding both technically and musically. The victory choral appears three times, each time signifying a sense of excitement, hope, and accomplishment. To the Mountaintop is dedicated to my friend, colleague, and extraordinary pianist, Susan Grace, who has been performing my music for over a quarter of a century.
- Ofer

Winter Wonder cover
$6.99 Winter Wonder
(piano solos collection)
Kevin Olson
Late Intermediate

There is something magical about the time of year when the days get shorter, the sun gets lower, and each day offers a new adventure: snow, clouds, wind, bitter cold, and thaw. For a long time, winter was a time for me to endure until the weather got pleasant again, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve tried to enjoy those darker months more regularly and look for the quiet beauty in winter moments. I think of that connection to times of adversity, as well; instead of impatiently waiting for more pleasant times, I think it’s healthy to seek for hidden beauty in the harder, darker chapters of life. This suite tries to capture just a few of these enchanted winter scenes, observed as you look out the window in a sweater with a cup of hot chocolate. Stay warm and enjoy!
- Kevin

Piano solos included in this collection:


  • Snowstorm
  • Ice Crystals
  • Sunseeker

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